Sightseeing and Access
If you are coming by car
If you are coming by car
50 minutes from Matsumoto Interchange (Nagano Prefecture side)
70 minutes from Takayama Interchange (Gifu Prefecture side)
By train and bus
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From Matsumoto Bus Terminal (Nagano Prefecture side) 65 minutes
From Takayama Nohi Bus Center (Gifu Prefecture side) 90 minutes
*Both are 5 minutes walk from Sawando Bus Terminal
If you are coming by plane
60 minutes by car from Matsumoto Airport
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Parking lot route guide

If you are coming to Kamikochi before check-in or after check-out, we will store your luggage in the second parking lot here.
Brown sign
Kamikochi Shuttle Bus Disembarking Only
Sawando Bus Terminal in winter
Azusa River
When setting on Google Maps or car navigation, the route to the parking lot may not be displayed correctly. Please refer to the video when you arrive near our hotel.
Please follow the directions using the brown signboard along the way as a guide.
Spring-Autumn :Customer parking lot
4/17~11/15: Kamikochi opening to closing
There is a charge for the adjacent municipal parking lot. To avoid entering the wrong place, please refer to the video and do not go through the gate.
Winter :Customer parking lot
11/16-4/16: Kamikochi mine closed
The adjacent municipal parking lot is open to the public free of charge, so please come through the parking lot.
By bus
After getting off the bus,If you walk to the bookmark pictureYou can come to our hotel entrance through the municipal parking lot.
[From the nearest bus stopApproximately 10 minutes]
[From the nearest bus stopApproximately 5 minutes]
* Dedicated bus stop for getting off
FourAvailable from mid-Monday to mid-November
Surrounding tourist information
Landlady's recommendation
Kamikochi model course
Sawando Bus Terminal - Taisho Pond - Kappa Bridge - Myojin Pond - Kamikochi Bus Terminal

しおり絵から徒歩5分、上高地行きシャトルバスが発着する、さわんどバスターミナルへ。 お車はチェックイン前、チェックアウト後でも当館でお預かりします。 タクシー乗り場もありますが、しおり絵まで呼ぶことももちろんできます。

沢渡⇔上高地 シャトルバスは20~30分間隔で運行されます。 往復で2,800円、行きは途中下車も可能です。大正池で下りて散策後、再びバスに乗ることができます。 ナショナルパークゲートで、上高地に入山する際の心得や上高地の歴史などを学んでから乗車します。

こんな楽しみ方もあるんです。 スノーシューを履いて、雪の上を散歩。動物の足跡や木の芽を見たり、冬の上高地は別世界です。

しおり絵から徒歩5分、上高地行きシャトルバスが発着する、さわんどバスターミナルへ。 お車はチェックイン前、チェックアウト後でも当館でお預かりします。 タクシー乗り場もありますが、しおり絵まで呼ぶことももちろんできます。
Activities that you can experience only in this Alps mountain village
