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Relax in your Room

spend time out in nature.

This is an inn located in a national park.

Make a plan

You can choose your main dish with all plans.


​Basic standard plan

● 1 night and 2 meals included


You can choose according to your travel schedule.

​​● Sales days are limited


​A special time just for you

​​● Sales days are limited


​With small children

●​Limited to 2 groups per day​​


For memories with your baby

​​● There are 7 benefits


For those who want to relax and enjoy nature

​●The second night's meal is customizable.

1st floor/sweet room

Capacity: 2 people 

open air bath/ shower booth​
Children  cannot be accepted.

Renewal in March 2024. This is a room with traditional floor and beds. 

A room with carefully selected furniture.

1st floor/ Room with Open-Air Bath

Capacity: 4 people 

Japanese-style room

We will make beds during dinner

 Japanese-Western style room

2nd floor/sweet room

foo bath/ shower booth​Children  cannot be accepted.

Renewal in March 2024. This is a room with tatami and beds. You can enjoy a footbath while seeing the river.